
Money (2015)

Performance, 2015 – 2020 Money was conceived as a lifetime performance where the artist was to publish how much money she possessed on the first day of every month. The project began on the 1st of April 2015 and it was intended to continue till the artist died. In 2020, following her father’s death, the artist …

Cling To A Curator (2015)

Cling To A Curator Performance for Photograph, 2015 – The artist uses cling film to bind herself to the curators of the exhibitions she has been part of. This is an ongoing project beginning in 2015, the year the artist started doing art full-time after graduating.   抱紧策展人 (进行中项目) 行为,自2015 《抱紧策展人》是艺术家朱田自2015年发起的一个长期行为项目:艺术家每次参加一个展览后都会邀请该展览的策展人,用保鲜膜把自己与策展人(们)绑在一起,并以照片和录像的形式记录。2015年为艺术家从艺术院校(英国皇家艺术学院)毕业,以新人身份进入艺术实践的第一年。 with Zavier Ellis at …

Dear Boss (2014)

Dear Boss Kinetic Installation, 2014 Sheep skin, neon sign, metal, motor, LED strip, rubber, rope, cable tie, leather, perspex sheet, wood, paint Size: Varied   领导冒号 动态装置,2014 羊皮,霓虹灯,金属,发动机,LED 灯带,橡皮筋,绳子,尼龙扎带,皮革,有机玻璃板,木,颜料 尺寸可变

Selling The Worthless (2014)

Selling the Worthless Performance, 2014 Documentation Video: 30’04” A documentation of a performance where the artist put her body up for auction online. Buyers could bid on any part of her body in A4 size, the artist then scanned the respective part and provided a print. The video is a reconstruction of the event, using …

Scan (2014)

Scan Screen prints on glass and vinyl, 2014 Documentation photos of a performance, where the artist scanned four parts of her body that were sold in an online auction (Selling the Worthless (2014)). The four parts were: armpit, left breast, back and anus. 扫描 丝网印刷在乙烯基布上,2014 艺术家通过线上拍卖的方式出售了自己的四个身体部位,并按要求用扫描仪分别扫描了相应的身体局部:腋下,左乳房,后背以及肛门。该系列图片为记录此行为过程的照片。

Tie (2014)

Tie Performance, 2014 In a group exhibition, the artist made a proposal 30 mins before the opening: she would place a tall plinth in the centre of the exhibition space, and tie herself up to a chair on top of it. However, the genuine intention, which wasn’t revealed, was to test out how other artists …

Hiccup (2014)

Hiccup Sculpture, 2014 Glass-reinforced plastic, polystyrene, paint, vinyl Size: 200x160x150 cm 嗝 雕塑,2014 玻璃钢,聚苯乙烯塑料,颜料,乙烯基 尺寸:200×160×150 cm

Bullshit (2013)

Bullshit Sound Installation, 2013 An audio recording of the artist shouting ‘Bullshit’ in a variety of tones, with random intervals between 30 seconds to 30 minutes. To be played at exhibitions. 狗屁 声音装置,2013 音频文件记录了艺术家以不同的语气、音调和音量重复“Bullshit (狗屁)”,每句之间为30秒到30分钟不等的随机间隔。该音频用于在展览空间播放。 Edited audio for demonstration/剪辑音频示例: